All available on CD, Digital and Vinyl. Don't get too excited.....
01 - Dementia is a pig in Grantham.
1. The land of the bully boys
2. Savage hate
3. Back to the chokey
4. I told her to piss off.
5. Oi paparazzi
6. Indiana Jones is my next door neighbour
7. Gynaecologists glove
8. Rosa Parks lit some sparks
9. Fool around
10. A wild goose chase
11. Read your local paper
12. Fuck all to do…
02 - Keep crying…You’ll piss less.
1. Domestic Violence
2. Mary and Joseph
3. I’m a battery Hen
4. Nurses can be torture
5. Call up the Council
6. In Boris Johnson’s library
7. High Class Hooligan
8. Steven’s a Star
9. We sleep in separate rooms
10. Death will make you redundant
11. Bogeyman Bollocks
12. Self Harm.
No.3 - Flaps.
1. It’s Groovy Baby
2. The fear of flying
3. I don’t wanna sniff
4. Harry was a shit businessman
5. Sow your seeds
6. Pissing prostate problems
7. Arses all on show
8. My last £6. on a doner kebab
9. Pink for boys
10. Sick in my girlfriend’s shoe
11. Underneath the carpet.
No.4 - Guy Fawkes had a bad ear.
1. Bastard alibis
2. They stopped her Universal Credit
3. God Save The King
4. Trapped at a fondue dinner party
5. Sin, sex and the disabled
6. It’s Christmas in Grantham
7. I’m Double Digit Dave
8. These girls are not pretty
9. One happy tranny
10. Guy Fawkes had an idea.
No. 5 - Lady Pig Bomb.
1. Throw your gig piss at me
2. Decibels make you deaf
3. Pycho Santa
4. Meat, Veg and Anal gravy
5. Kraftwerk are playing an unplugged tour
6. Too much weed and a microwave dinner
7. Miss Daphne Potter
8. Bent to pay the rent
9. A butcher’s knife
10. We can’t sit in McDonald’s forever.
No.6 - Call me Vicky.
1. Mad
2. Stepdad
3. Good mam
5. Start life afresh
6. I forgive
7. Naaanerrr
8. Purple Warrior
9. Sisterless.